The process of monoprinting, for me, is very close to painting, with the tools of ink, mylar, brush, string, paper, a plate and press. The difference is that monoprinting is a quick process, compared to painting, to explore ideas. Variations on a theme are created as forms and colors are laid down, built up, printed, sometimes changed and printed again, creating a series of singular prints

Click on an image below for more information. May 25, 2012, #1May 25th, 2012 #2May 25th, 2012, #3May 25th, 2012, #8At Play 1At Play 2At Play 4Constructions 1Constructions 3Constructions 4Constructions 7Constructions 11Simple Constructions 3Simple Constructions 4Simple Constructions 2Small Constructions 4